Canon’s Solutions for the Legal Industry

Data security, efficiency, and your client’s satisfaction

Legal Minds Should be Free to Work on Legal Issues
Canon for the Legal Industry

Разбираме дека вашето време е скапоцено и безбедноста на документите е вашиот врвен приоритет. Нашите решенија за управување со печатени и дигитализирани документи поддржуваат сложени барања за администрација и доверливост во која било компанија која работи во правната индустрија, без оглед на големината.

Your Benefits


Cut time on manual tasks

Data security

Limit access to confidential documents

Cost reduction

Fully track the cost of print

Flexible working

Access to documents from mobile devices

Our Solutions for the Legal Industry

Managed Print Services

Manage your print infrastructure and increase your productivity with uniFLOW Online

Secure Document Management

Secure access and retrieval from everywhere

Office Printers and Scanners

Highly efficient office printers & scanners working perfectly with our document solutions

Get to know uniFLOW Online

Get to know uniFLOW Online allowing legal institutions to allocate document cost and manage documents securely.

Get to know uniFLOW Online

We offer consultancy and customizable solution tailored to your needs.

What our clients say

What our clients say

"The implementation of the Canon uniFLOW solution has increased the productivity and control of document flows within the company, including the control of printing activities and the reduction of the carbon footprint".
Alexander Popa, manager PCAATTORNEYS, Romania

Other customers who trusted us:

Attorneys Cvijanovic (Bosnia & Hercegovina)
The Office of the Notary to Government (Malta)
Notary Burlo’ Fleri Soler (Malta)

Contact us or our certified Partner to find out more about our solutions for legal industry:

Partner name - Orient Logic

Address: Bochorma street #18, Tbilisi
Tel: +995 322541818